RTIS wins $876 million patent services deal: Reed Technology and Information Services Inc. has won a 10-year, $876 million contract from the Patent and Trademark Office to process patents, the company announced today. RTIS of Horsham, Pa., will continue to capture, manage and prepare for publication patent applications submitted to the office.
To support these services, the company has developed a work flow management system designed to meet Patent and Trademark Office business rules, which require converting large volumes of complex and scientific and technical information into searchable Extensible Markup Language and image databases.
The XML and image-based patent products that RTIS delivers under the contract are used by agency examiners and staff and disseminated worldwide by the Patent and Trademark Office. RTIS has supported patent grant operations at the Patent and Trademark Office since 1970 and publication of patent applications since 2001.
RTIS is part of the LexisNexis Group of Miamisburg, Ohio. The parent company has 12,800 employees and annual sales of $2.3 billion, according to Hoover’s Online of Austin, Texas.
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