NAPP Wants a Piece of Continuation Rule Challenges
The National Association of Patent Practitioners (NAPP - link) released a statement through their president, Ron Reardon, that the organization will be actively monitoring potential challenges to the continuation rule changes, and is urging members to lend a hand in any and all "appropriate" challenges:
As you are probably aware, a lawsuit against the Director of the PTO has been filed by an inventor. (Tafas v. Dudas, E.D. Va., filed August 22, 2007) More suits are likely to follow. We believe that NAPP could be most effective in continuing to express our opposition to the newrules by filing or joining an amicus brief, if a case arose which posed the appropriate question(s) in an appropriate forum.
Any amicus brief filed or joined by NAPP would be above and beyond the significant work that has already been done by our organization in opposing these rule changes; and would be in keeping with our reputation as a serious, thoughtful organization upon whose advice andcomment (whether positive or negative) the PTO can rely.
If you would like to help NAPP, or have any pertinent information, they can be reached at
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