New Look for the 271 Blog
Getting a slight jump on spring cleaning, the 271 Blog underwent a makeover over the weekend. Of course, as luck would have it, I got hit with the flu (for the 2nd time) immediately afterwards. Anyways, hope you like the new look, and I hope to be up and about shortly. To paraphrase Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons: "worst . . . flu season . . . ever."
Well, it's still a little rough around the edges (it helps to be bilingual English/Español to read the home page, for example).
I was curious about the EPO's web site, so I followed your link. I learned something!
Perhaps others are already aware, but I see that the EPO is tackling the patentability of computer programs head-on. Have you noticed the EPO's call for comments? The issues raised there (and thus hopefully slated for resolution) concisely frame the question of software patentability.
Nice update. I always appreciate a clean look (due to my attention span problems). I like the easy navigation of the archives.
I'll have to get use to using caps in your blog title!
I'm in the (very slow) process of updating Patent Baristas. I'll keep you posted.
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