Arti Rai Departing From The USPTO
Hal Wegner has just broke the news that Arti Rai, Administrator for External Affairs, is leaving the PTO to an unspecificed position that has not been announced by the government.
As Administrator for External Affairs, Rai served as a policy adviser to the Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and oversaw the office's work with Congress on major legislation to reform patent law and practice, coordinate informational and educational events on piracy and counterfeiting, and implementing international intellectual property treaties. Rai was sworn into this position on October 9, 2009.
For those interested, the government has posted a job opening for this position, which can be viewed here (link)
Of course, there are usually numerous reasons as to why people leave their administration posts, but in Ms. Rai's case one can't help but wonder whether the fact that Rai was one of the more controversial figures at the USPTO (due to her policy positions, opposed by many in the world of patent law) played a part in her impending departure.
"due to her policy positions"
Would it be a fair translation to say instead "her pre-conceived anti-patent agenda"
One of the four playing card suits is just one of the four playing card suits...
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